Who We Work With
Sue Ryder
The truth is that there are few problems confronting humanity that are incapable of solution, if only a sufficient number of human beings apply their hearts and their energies.
Sue Ryder established homes, hospitals, domiciliary teams and mobile medical units across the world, many of which are in operation today. They are all part of Sue Ryder’s Family of Foundations.
The Lady Ryder of Warsaw Memorial Trust (LRWMT) is a central point for the Sue Ryder Family of Foundations, and we share her wish to relieve suffering wherever that may be, to search out for those needing help and to help where we can. In some cases the LRWMT helps our sister Foundations with funding. In others, it is more a case of sharing ideas and thoughts.
Alongside her work to relieve suffering, Sue Ryder established the Sue Ryder Prayer Fellowship to be a ‘powerhouse of prayer’ for the needs of others and for the work carried on throughout the world in her name. The LRWMT and the Sue Ryder Prayer Fellowship work closely together to continue Sue Ryder’s work and ethos.
We are pleased to welcome the following as members of Sue Ryder‘s Family of Foundations:

In 1997 Lady Ryder recognised the need for access to palliative care in Rome, and founded the charity Fondazione Sue Ryder Onlus, a provider of 24-hour specialist home palliative care and pain relief for the equivalent of Italy’s NHS.

United Kingdom
In the last few years, the LRWMT has helped fund projects and make loans to help restore the gardens at St Katharine’s Parmoor, the home of The Lady Ryder Prayer Fellowship. The Lady Ryder Memorial Garden has helped many disadvantaged people both young and old over the years.

Sue Ryder’s long association with Poland began in WW2. During the Second World War she was seconded to the Polish Section of Special Operations Executive (SOE) which was set up by Prime Minister Winston Churchill with the instruction to set Europe ablaze.

Lourdes, France
There was a big need which was not being addressed in Lourdes, that being the needs of handicapped and sick pilgrims and their carers who did not wish to be accommodated in the local hospitals and yet came to Lourdes with their carers and helpers.

Sue Ryder Foundation in Malawi
From its beginnings in 1990 to 2018, the Sue Ryder Foundation in Malawi (SRFIM) ran a community based rehabilitation programme, providing healthcare to people with chronic asthma and epilepsy and rehabilitation to those with physical disabilities in the rural areas of Balaka and Ntcheu.

Raphael, India – Ryder Cheshire Foundation
RAPHAEL was founded in 1959 in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) jointly by Leonard Cheshire and Sue Ryder.

Ryder-Cheshire Australia (RCA) has close links with two overseas homes – in northern India (Raphael), and in Timor-Leste (Klibur Domin). RCA provides financial support and volunteers to work at the homes.

The Sue Ryder Foundation in Ireland was established in 1982 and runs independent living centres for the elderly in six locations, supported by a network of Sue Ryder charity shops.

Czech Republic
Sue Ryder in the Czech Republic runs a Home for 52 elderly residents in a converted historic building in one of the poorest districts of Prague. As well as residential accommodation, part of the building is open to the public including a restaurant and Sue Ryder shop.